Education and Licensure
-Bachelor's from Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH)
-Master's in Social Work from Colorado State University
-Licensed Clinical Social Worker (CO)
Professional Experience
-Wilderness Therapy
with youth and young adults
with older adults and their families
-In-patient, residential psychiatric treatment with adults
-Social Work with youth and adults on probation
with adults and young adults in a university and private practice setting
-EMDR Trained
-Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 1 and 2 (in progress)
My work and learning experiences are varied, and each one informs my therapy with clients. I worked in a residential, psychiatric, unlocked setting serving individuals with symptoms such as psychosis, mania, and persistent depression. And, currently, I work with individuals on probation in the 20th District (Boulder County). Many of my current clients have significant trauma histories, struggles with substance use, and face barriers related to community perceptions and stereotypes about their identities.
Much of my other professional experience has been with county government, in career counseling and in community justice services. This work has taught me a lot about the difficulties folks in marginalized communities, and with diverse identities, face throughout their lives. I bring this awareness of privilege and oppression in to my career counseling and therapy sessions.
Outside of Therapy
Outside the therapy office, I'm someone who actively pursues growth. I've been practicing Buddhist meditation for 8 years, sitting retreat in both the Insight and Plum Village traditions. This spiritual path has helped me notice my own thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. It helps me find peace and healing for my own difficulties, and assists me in connecting more authentically to others. I also enjoy rock climbing, weight lifting, cycling, reading, and solo backpacking. Professionally, I am growing as a therapist via training that expands my understanding of body-oriented, psychotherapy techniques including EMDR and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. I've also studied Hakomi, and the Neuro-Affective Relational Model.